Beams London City Ltd.

         Phone: 0147 4708 738 Mobile number: 0753 4964 048




Welcome to the Beams web site. Our site is still under reconstruction, but please call us for details of our electrical installation and maintenance services for any office tenant/building managment requirements. 


We also now offer PAT testing Services:


As an employer, landlord or letting agent, you have a legal duty of care to comply with the necessary Electricity at Work Regulations.


These regulations state that you are responsible by law, for the prevention of any harm coming to employees, tenants or customers when using electrical equipment provided by you or your organisation.


Beams operates an experienced PAT Testing division providing comprehensive and cost effective solutions allowing our customers to meet their legal obligations under Electricity at Work regulations with the minimum of disruption to their businesses.


Our experienced PAT testing engineers will test any item that has a mains voltage plug attached to it including computers, lamps, printers, fridges, Hoovers, toasters kettles etc.





























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